Jack Hefestay for Commission

Jack Hefestay
PO Box 4
Charles Town, WV 25414

(campaign donations are accepted and should me mailed to the above address)

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“I am running for Jefferson County Commissioner because I do not have a special interest”

“I pledge to be an advocate for the benefit of all citizens and not for a privileged few.”

“My motive is to improve conditions in Jefferson County and not to enrich myself — my entire salary (after taxes) will be donated to non-profit organizations (mostly local).”

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Jack Hefestay is a long-term resident of Jefferson County with a personal history of volunteerism and involvement in the county.  He lives here by choice and not by accident).
~Retired US Navy Captain (O-6) /// Intelligence Officer with a distinguished 25 year service record (Active and Reserve).
~Retired System Integration Engineer with 33 years in business disciplines (Finance, Planning Change Management, Quality Control).
~University Graduate with expertise in Engineering, Business and Liberal Arts achievements.
~Successful family man: One marriage (43years, 8 months), two children, three grand children.
Jack has the time, fortitude and dedication to fulfill the commission job to its fullest extent. He will only serve the one four-year designated unexpired term. He will not use his election as a platform to seek another office.


Fair and Balanced budgeting:  MANAGE our limited resources with care for all our citizens and not for a select few.
Prioritize the needs of our county:  AMBULANCE, FIRE and POLICE PROTECTION come first.
Full Government Transparency at every level:  No insider deals and no new or increased fees on our residents.
End the radical GREEN NEW DEAL onslaught on Jefferson County Vistas: NO MORE SOLAR COMPOUNDS and ABSOLUTEY NO WIND TURBINES.  Mandatory Electric Vehicles –NO!
Responsible Economic Growth without damaging our traditional county character.
IMPACT FEES on new residents property:  Increase is a must to handle current growth and the negative impact it has caused on our county infrastructure.

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COMREHENSIVE PLAN 2045 UPDATE is before the County Commission;  A Public Hearing Session is planned for 4th of December 2024 at Jefferson High School at 6PM … BE THERE … and voice your comments and suggestions before its anticipated final vote in early January 2025. The proposed document has a HUGE impact on the future of the county.  Written comments may also be submitted to the County Commissioners (preferred) and or the Planning Department.
EARLY VOTING starts on Wednesday, 23rd of October and continues thru the 1st of November, at Charles Washington Hall,100 West Washington Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 201, 9:AM to 5:PM (NEVER ON A SUNDAY)
ELECTION DAY: 5th of November at your regular polling place. Just Do it. Donald and I need your VOTE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!